Aouie's Journal

Monday, January 30, 2006

Almost but not Quite...

posted jan 28, 2006

I know it's not right to say you were mine, even if we did have our time. And no matter how painful it is for me to see how it meant nothing to you, I just have to deal with it and accept the fact that all I can hold on to is the thought that you were almost mine...

i found this quote in my two-year old files.

the realization that it's still something i could have written or said would have made me laugh with bitter irony if it weren't so painful. the situation is still practically the same, the only difference is that the thing i always believed to be true two years ago is now something i actually know for sure is the truth.

image from Post Secret

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a.o.u.i.e. scribbled this @ 8:50 PM